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2nd edition 2024






Contents. 1

Editor’s note. 1

From the Driver’s seat. 1

From the Vice’s seat. 1

Wegelegan – April 2024. 1

Baviaans Addo – April /May 2024. 1

Baviaans! Baviaans! Baviaans! Addo! Addo! Addo! – Feedback provided by Jana and Phllip Coetzee   1

A side trip organised by Karen Miller – Honorary Ranger in the Wilderness Area!. 1

Overberg Meander – May 2024. 1

Leopard Trail – May 2024. 1

Radio communication within our club. 1


It is a pleasure to be able to put together the club newsletter. Communications with members are so important, and some of us are distant from the city itself and cannot regularly attend events – especially the noggins and social events that would involve a long and very late drive home. Comments and contributions are, of course, always welcome!

Andy Bytheway, Editor

What an honour to be the Chairman of this club so that I, together with the committee, can be at your service with all the club events.

I can’t believe that we have reached the halfway mark of 2024. I did not camp enough times and now we are in winter, and as we are creatures of comfort we tend to camp even less in winter.

We have decided nothing is going to stop us and I am proud that more of our members are taking part in our planned events. Thank you, it keeps the club alive!

Have a look at the calendar (available separately) and plan your lives – we would love that even more members take part. Remember, we are open for suggestions about outings, let us know what you would like to do, there is contact information at the head of this newsletter.

We committed ourselves to send communication out about our events much earlier than before, so that you can plan; also, to do this on a more frequent basis to keep reminding people what’s happening so that they can find space in their busy schedules to relax and join us on an outing.

We have almost finalised the arrangements for the mid-year bash at “Donkies Kraal”, so please make an effort to join us. We all need to slow down before the last quarter of the year hits us.

Connie Hillebrand, Chairman

This year has sped past us and we are already in June 2024.  Since the AGM we have been busy although, an amazing second half lies ahead!!

The day trip to Welgelegen was well attended enjoyed by new and older members with good weather and super vistas. The day trip through the Overberg was also most enjoyable with lots of goodies being donated by members which was highly appreciated by the kids as seen from FB posts as well as a letter of appreciation received from the Head of the School.  If members of the Club wish to propose similar outings, please contact myself or any Committee member. Lunch at the Plaaskombuis went off well and this was a good event where Club members could interact, chat and relax.

The Baviaans Addo trip, taking a period of almost two weeks, was enjoyed by all, a picture of cooperation and good teamwork.  It was a pleasure to lead and to also share the Baviaans kloof with all involved.  Addo National Park was amazing! So many ellies (as they are called) and lots of buffalo and zebras. This newsletter provides more comprehensive feedback. Just please note, it’s difficult to describe this trip in words and at the June 2024 noggin I did my best in photos and video clips.

We are looking forward to the Mid-Year Bash in August 2024 at Donkies kraal.  Members are encouraged to join in the festivities.  At the Year-end Function in November 2024, we will be celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Club. 

Future outings are indicated in the club calendar (see the 2024 club calendar, available separately).  Atlantis Fun 2024, one of our most important events is being planned for 5 October 2024.  We will need assistance from members to help us in making the AFD 2024 a success. Please register your willingness to assist.  Let us make number 16 another AFD to remember.  

Hope to see you all on the trails.

4×4 Regards, Henri du Toit, Vice-Chairman

Wegelegan – April 2024

My introduction to the 4WD club WC was here at Welgelegen, in August 2022.  That was not only an introduction to the club, but my very first 4×4 experience in a car I barely knew, tackling a 4×4 course that was quite intimidating, based on videos I saw on Facebook prior to the event.

Fast forward to April 2024 – I was quite excited to be “reunited” with the place where it all began for me and my wife.  We’ve been with the club ever since and every trip we have been on with the club has been worth it.

This weekend was no exception.

Reading the writeup before the weekend where it was mentioned that the course was a grade 2/3, I had a sneaky suspicion that after all the massive number of storms, floods and rain the area had during the past year, that we were in for a surprise or two.

When our esteemed 4×4 Maestro Fred Bartens (leading the convoy) promptly announced shortly after takeoff on the 4×4 route: “Fred to Convoy … Fred to Convoy … this obstacle is now grade 4 … !)” it did not surprise me, this time it exited me.

Watching the participants and experiencing the different challenges was awesome.

Philip comes down the grade 4 under Fred’s guidance

At some point I realized that I had lost my brand new reading glasses which cost R14k, my first thought was “What is my wife going to say”… and I felt that Jana would have been more accepting of me telling her that I had body damage on the Jeep – lol – (I was not far off). The story has a good ending though, I sent a WhatsApp to the farmer asking if he could ask the kids / workers on the farm to have a look, and that I would reward them with R1000 if found.  It was a long shot, I know.  To our pleasant surprise the farmer sent me a message today (16th) and told me they had found them.

I drove there today and fetched the pair… (and paid the Farmer). They are slightly crooked, but I can still use them.

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The lost spectacles were found!

Philip Coetzee


You might like to know that there is some YouTube footage of our trip to Welgelegen – and other 4 by 4 adventures – as posted by Yosi. Thanks to Gerry and the family!

Andy Bytheway, Editor

Some interesting additional input from Fred:


The trail

A graph of a green and blue line

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The trail profile

Fred Bartens

Baviaans Addo – April /May 2024 

On Saturday morning early we set out for Buffalo Bay with a pitstop at Heidelberg.  After refueling and something to eat we departed and arrived there later in the afternoon..   

On the Sunday morning, we met up with Karen Miller who had organized the Garden Route National Park drive [see below – Ed].  It was amazing and words cannot describe what we experienced.  We were informed extensively of the fauna and flora, what is deemed fynbos and how the species of plants that are not endemic to the area are causing damage to the ecology.  The highlight of the day was visiting Millwood mine where the first gold rush took place that lasted from 1889 for close to three years. Thanks, Karen Miller for organizing this for us and Fred for specially driving there to join us on the 4×4 trip through the Garden Route national park.  Much appreciated by all.  

A large metal wheel in a shed
Millwood mine

On Monday morning we took some backroads and traversed the Prince Albert pass towards Uniondale. Along the way we stopped at Angie’s but they were out of stock so we moved on to the Padstal across the road for some coffee and jam dx  cv. In some places, the going was rough with lots of damage caused by the heavy rains but doable even with an off-road trailer. After a lunch and refuel stop at Uniondale, we headed north and took a gravel road through to the Baviaans and entered the Kloof just before the Nuwekloof pass. In the afternoon we arrived at Makkedaat caves and checked in at three caves namely, Van Terrebert, Makkedaat and Dawid se Bak.  

On Tuesday, we did the tourist activities offered by the Kloof.  First stop was for some roosterkoek and jam/cheese with coffee at Veras, a community coffee shop. The next stop was at Sewefontein where Patrick entertained us on the wonder of the water flowing from underground fountains. Later, after a few water crossings on the farm, we camped at Doringkloof.  That evening we were treated to Jose Snr’s and Fatima’s Portuguese lamb pot.  What a feast!! 

On Wednesday we entered the Baviaans Kloof Park, drove some rough roads and crossed many water streams, arriving at Rooihoek were we set up camp for the night.  On the way we stopped for a lunch break at Smitskraal.  The longest and deepest water crossing at Smitskraal posed no problem.  At Rooihoek, Carin, Karen, Ross and Ivor went for a dip in the river.  Someone had to take the photo! No showers, only an eco-loo. That night we slept with the sounds of baboons, the witkruis arend and apies around us. Fortunately, no buffaloes.  

A body of water with trees and a hill in the background

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The next morning we moved on.  With the road conditions a bit worse than the day before, going up Holgat pass required focused attention. All the views and scenery made it worthwhile.  At the Bergkraal information Centre we stopped for those who wanted to view the remains of the cable system used years ago to ferry goods across the kloof. Driving down Combrinck’s Pass was ok-ish but required focused attention since floods had caused a lot of ruts.   

For two nights we camped at Bruintjieskraal with one day to relax and do some shopping and sightseeing. We all went for a breakfast at Die Padstal just before Patensie, a treat and a lekker kuier to remember.  In the afternoon on our way back we turned off to visit the Kouga dam which was 91% full; an amazing sight compared to the previous visit when it was only about at 4%.  That evening we were treated to a second potjie with oxtail, mushrooms and a lot of superb veggies. Thanks again.  

Several vehicles parked in a parking lot

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The next morning, we set off towards Addo.  Driving via Uitenhage and a gravel shortcut we got to Addo in time for check-inn. Before sunset we did the Gora loop and saw a lot of animals, mostly Zebras, elephant and a buffalo or two.  The next day we took time to explore the park and it did leave a good impression.  A park where you will see animals all day long.  Karen and Sam were lucky to spot a rhino and we would like to return to see the lions which were also around.  

A herd of elephants in a grassy field

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We arrived at Mvubu camp the next day and set up camp.  The road leading to the camp was an easy drive sometimes requiring low range.  At the camp we closed the big gate to keep the hippos out and gathered on the deck at the waterhole for some snacks where it was a bit cooler under trees. The next morning, we decided to pack up and head back to Addo since the wildlife was calling. After taking a shorter gravel road back to Addo (thanks GPS) in order to avoid some tedious stop/go roadworks, we arrived at Addo and checked in to go and stay at Spekboom, a site with tented accommodation set amidst a spekboom forest with a hide where we could watch and photograph animals visiting the waterhole. Another amazing experience! 

A fence in the middle of a forest

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Mvubu fence to keep hippos out

Making our way to the N2 on our journey back home, we decided to drive through the park and exit at the southern gate. A wise choice that provided a sighting of a hyena, a jackal and some more elephant.  After a fuel stop and some goodbyes we headed off to Hartenbos for our first overnight stop on the way back home. Here we stayed over at the ATKV rondawels almost on the beach.  The next evening we stayed at Umshanti for our last meal consisting of a huge T-bone for every couple. At Umshanti we were treated to a discounted ferry trip on the dam up to the waterfall and then on to the spot were hundreds of birds come to sleep.  

A lake surrounded by mountains

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After some more goodbyes we started making our way back home.  Caren and myself took a detour to recce the major part of the road for the Overberg meander including the Houw Hoek pass and then off home … 

Thanks a million to all who made this a super memorable trip through the Baviaans and the Addo. Until next time … safe travels.  

A group of people standing in a field

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Henri du Toit

Baviaans! Baviaans! Baviaans! Addo! Addo! Addo! – Feedback provided by Jana and Phllip Coetzee

It far exceeded our expectations. From the first night at BuffelsBay, which felt like one year’s supply of water had come down in one night, in one go, chasing us all to our tents and the washroom to eat our barely cooked “braai”, to the last night at Umshanti where we saw so many birds!

For Addo, the Elephants, Buffalo, Kudu, Red hartebeest and Zebra were the “main attraction” but we were fortunate enough to spot a spotted hyena and jackal (and a Rhino in the very far distance via binoculars). The elephants seem much calmer amongst the cars than I can recall from the elephants in Kruger. We heard some lion(s) and heard hyenas as well as many kinds of birds. We stayed the first two nights at the main camp and, like in most parks / wild areas, the vervet monkeys were well trained in dealing with our human made devices like tent zips, car boots etc. My son calls them Saint Lucia monkeys because he was first introduced to them there.  One monkey was spotted neatly unzipping the bottom two zippers of our tent door. Fortunately for the whole camp Karen (Miller) spotted it and chased it away, sparing the camp from losing out on yet another curry chicken potjie that Jana had cooked for us.

From the main camp we went to Mvubu Camp.

A group of people camping in a field

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Another day another camp – Mvubu

Stayed there only one night where Philip was very successful in fishing, but had extreme bad success at catching anything 😉 . Oupa Jose treated us to a “night cap” of gin and Chorizo sausages and some more Gin! –

Is this a nightcap?

For Philip and Oupa the best feature of Mvubu was the paraffin shower! No, we did not take a shower in paraffin, but the shower had a paraffin powered water heater. What an invention, it sounds like a V8 idling or jet starting up!

It runs off about a 200ml cup of paraffin to heat shower water for a really long hot shower session, and you really had to take care not to burn yourself, not by the paraffin flame, but the hot water.  (Carin Du Toit has recorded an awesome video of this). This is something Philip will remember for the rest of his life. Oupa Jose said he wants to build one!

From Mvubu we went to Spekboom camp where the tented camps were in amongst a lot of … errmspekboom.

A small house with chairs on a deck

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A luxury tent amongst the spekboom

Here we could walk to a hide and watch some animals in quiet without disturbing them. There were not a lot of animals spotted though, mostly zebra and kudu and a little mouse that stood and posed for the Camera.

An inquisitive mouse

From Spekboom we headed home, having sleep overs at Hartenbos ATKV and Umshanti farm. 

Jana and Phllip Coetzee

A side trip organised by Karen Miller – Honorary Ranger in the Wilderness Area!

Henri’s Trip to Baviaanskloof and Addo started at Buffel’s Bay, Knysna. Karen (some of you will know her!) is an honorary ranger in the Wilderness Area and she organised a trip for that Sunday.  It was an “add-on”. The group that travelled into the mountain consisted of a few of us and some other members of the public in 4×4’s. There is some additional information on Facebook, but here is the note with which Karen introduced this side trip and a map of the trail that was followed.

Thank you for your support in joining the “The Road Less Travelled” trips offered by the Wilderness region of the Garden Route National Park to the Goudveld Forest.   These trips explore tracks not open to the public and provide an opportunity to travel through indigenous forest with superb views.  The trips will be approximately 8 hours and will take you into the indigenous forest of the Garden Route National Park.  We aim to provide a guide on the trip to provide insight into the fauna, flora and geology of the area and if possible a SANParks Ranger to provide a tour of the mine.

We will meet at the Goudveld Gate S 3355.7290′ E 02257.3482’ at 9am. You will need to register entry into the park at the gate and pay SANParks conservation fees for the day or show your wild card.  We will then depart into the forest.  Please bring a torch and closed shoes should you wish to enter the mine.  Also bring a picnic lunch, nibbles and drinks and chairs.  We will aim to stop somewhere along the route for lunch.

I attach some info on the route and area for your perusal.


On seeing notices about this very interesting and quite different day trip, we were surprised to see the use of the word “meander”. It seemed familiar, it made us think of the Midlands (but not the Midlands in the UK, where we come from), and it surely was not a word to describe a 4×4 day out? We soon realised that the intention was to have a pleasant drive around an interesting part of the country that we might otherwise not know at all, and not to stress our vehicles and vehicle driving ability by means of challenges like those at Wegelegan!

Like several other members we decided that this event was far enough away from home that we would stay locally and do some sightseeing catch up between Hermanus and Cape Agulhas on Saturday. On Sunday the meeting point was 8am at the Houw Hoek Inn. That was half an hour’s drive away from our overnight accommodation, but we enjoyed the early morning drive. Mist hung over the rivers in their valleys, but the sun was up by the time we reached the Inn. We don’t often see a sunrise (!) but it was a beautiful red one on Sunday. On arrival we spotted two vehicles we recognized, that of our leaders, Henri & Carin, and Fred’s green Mercedes. These three emerged later, having been eating breakfast in the hotel. The advantages of starting a day drive at a distant hotel!  By 8.30 all 10 vehicles were lined up in the carpark.

We set off eastwards on the N2 and quickly turned off to travel on the Old Houw Hoek pass. Ann was driving for a change and Andy told her there was a steep drop on his side – he was probably feeling the loss of control, as a passenger, and so she kept close to the rock wall!

After rejoining the N2 we carried on for about 40Kms before turning southeast on to a gravel road, where we soon stopped at a school – the Jongensklip Primary School.  The head teacher was waiting for us, but no pupils, since it was a Sunday.  We had wondered why we were calling at this school, but quickly found out – Henri had attended this school, because he had been brought up on a farm in the area.

The principle sent this happy photograph following the weekend
                The gifts were clearly enjoyed

The school now has 96 learners from Grade R to Grade 8. There are 4 classrooms each supporting two grades.  The head teacher has grades 7 and 8, she told us. Three other schools in the surrounding area have been closed so that now some children spend up to 3 hours travelling, to and from, school each day. The catchment area is huge in this rural area, where wheat farms are large.

Because Henri was brought up in the area, he knows all the roads. Thus, he was able to lead us with confidence along un-signposted gravel roads. Our next stop was at the Van Brakel Stoor – a wonderful building dating from 1921. It is now really a Padstaal, serving light meals and selling locally produced products – we bought koeksisters.  Inside it still has its long counter stretching the whole length of the building, and a wall of shelves behind. Magnificent. Although Henri had organized a farm stop to look at a camp site, they did not answer his phone calls, so we carried on after a short wait, and careful manipulation of large vehicles on a very narrow farm road – that turned out to be the major driving challenge of the whole day.

We then drove on to the Plaaskombuis Restaurant north of Hermanus. The drive was delightful.

The Plaaskombuis Restaurant features windpumps

When we arrived there was a board outside welcoming the 4×4 group. What a lovely touch. We all enjoyed excellent meals and felt very satisfied.  On the way home we passed through Betty’s Bay, Rooiels and along Clarence Drive. Some members took time to see the penguins at Betty’s Bay, we did not, we drove home as the clock was not waiting for us.

This was a wonderful way to relax, enjoy wonderful landscapes, further friendships, and dip quickly into rural life. The highlights for us were the surprising delights of the Van Brakel Stoor and the visit to the Jongensklip Primary School.

The Sunday lunch at Plaaskombuis was pretty good as well!

Andy and Ann Bytheway

“Thanks for a awesome weekend, all the planning and All the food and amazing friendships. This is the type of group I was looking for. Thanks so much for accommodating us. It was an amazing experience…”

“Thank you for a super time together…”

These were two of the responses we received after the Leopard Trail weekend. Starting at the end, I know, but this was the kind of feedback we were after when arranging our first Outing as committee members.

We arrived there Friday afternoon and camp setup began in haste (for those who did not stay in accommodation).

A car with a trailer on grass

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A group of vehicles parked in a grassy area

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It also ignited the medieval instincts in the men who camped who saw the big pile of wood that needed chopping up for the “Donkey” for us to have hot showers … the Donkey being the device that heated the water – not the person chopping the wood 😉

Friday night we had a braai and also met “new” club members who we personally had not been on outings with before. This was such an awesome time to meet yet more new people.

A group of people around a campfire

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A group of people sitting in chairs

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Saturday we had a quick driver’s briefing and “before” Picture, then proceeded to head out to the Marloth Park trail.

A group of people standing in a dirt area with cars

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The trail was an awesome trail through very thick brush at some places that made some real bush pin stripes on all the vehicles (nothing that can’t be polished out)

A group of cars driving on a hill

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A person walking on a dirt road with a red jeep on a hill

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After about 2 hours or so we reached the view point where we had some snacks coffee and the much needed (O-natural kind) nature call …

A landscape with mountains and bushes

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Heading back the rain started to come down lightly, but that was never a real issue with the exception of the slight impact on the braai, but it did not dampen any spirits at all.

Sunday morning, we all had a communal breakfast which was a real feast as always with everyone pulling out the stops and we all had a real good feed!

A group of people standing around a table

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A group of people cooking food on a picnic table

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A group of people outside

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A grill with sausages and bread on it

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Soon after everybody departed.

Philip Coetzee

In our club we have a rule that all vehicles taking part in outings must be equipped with a suitable radio.

The Reason

Communication between participating vehicles on any 4×4 excursion is a must.  It helps to ensure the safety of drivers, passengers, and vehicles while on a 4×4 trail or part of a convoy.  We can communicate with one another regarding location and situation and share interesting information and stories with participants.

The club rents out radios to those members who have not yet acquired a unit:  please contact Jimmy Niemann, 084 288 5510 or via email: radio@4wd-wc.co.za.

The Basics

VHF (Very High Frequency) radios have been in use for many years world-wide and are supported by all manufacturers of two-way radios.

For our purposes, the VHF radios must be able to operate within the 146 – 174 MHz frequency band. VHF radios offer an excellent communication range. Even handheld units with typically only 5 Watt transmitting power are adequate for outing convoys.  Their range can be enhanced by external antennas, typically magnet mounted.   Mobile units, in a fixed vehicle installation, with tuned external antennas and typically up to 30W power (the local legal limit) can have a range anywhere up to 30 km and beyond, depending on the surrounding terrain.

The Regulations

·         Virtually all radio transmitting equipment used within South Africa is required to be licensed by the end user with ICASA as per the Telecommunications Act – small “toy” UHF units are one exception.

·         The 3 VHF frequencies allocated to ORRA by ICASA are commercial radio frequencies. As such they need to be legally licensed for use by the end user.

·         There is no such thing as “our” frequency. The radio frequencies in use with ORRA are allocated on a shared basis with other users around the country.  We do not have exclusive use of these frequencies and it is perfectly normal to find other users on all our allocated frequencies.  Around the country various other commercial organizations (security companies, trucking companies, farming communities, etc.) have perfectly legally been allocated the same operating frequencies.

·         Thus our communication is not private and confidential, other users on the same frequency need to be respected.

ORRA & User Authorization

ORRA was started in 1977 by the 4×4 ATV Club (then the Jeep Club of Southern Africa), the Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa, and the Four Wheel Drive Club of Southern Africa.

Bona fide off-road clubs or organisations must approach ORRA directly for recognition.

Our Club is recognised; thus, our individual members may approach ORRA for radio user authorisations. These user authorisations allow the individual members to make use of the ORRA frequencies within the boundaries of the Republic of South Africa. (special rules for Namibia and Botswana apply).  Members apply for these directly with ORRA or via our Radio Officer, who provides proof of membership to ORRA.  The licences are issued annually.


It is not possible to obtain authorisation to use any frequency without the express permission of the designated licensee, in this case ORRA.  As a service to the members of recognized member clubs like ours, ORRA facilitates this process with ICASA. The frequencies in question are licensed in the name of ORRA, and then with ICASA’s approval ORRA issues the user authority cards and documentation to its members, thus making it legal for you as an individual to make use of commercial radio frequencies for your 4×4 and club activities.

The Channels

The 3 VHF frequencies are utilized with and without 2 separate tones, thus providing 9 channels as follows:

ORRA CH1 – ORRA frequency 2 with tone A
ORRA CH2 – ORRA frequency 3 with tone A
ORRA CH3 – ORRA frequency 2 with tone B
ORRA CH4 – ORRA frequency 3 with tone B
ORRA CH5 – ORRA frequency 1 with tone A
ORRA CH6 – ORRA frequency 1 with tone B
ORRA CH7 – ORRA frequency 1 with no tones
ORRA CH8 – ORRA frequency 2 with no tones
ORRA CH9 – ORRA frequency 3 with no tones

What are Tones?

The use of tones allows better utilisation of available frequencies.  This is how it works:

Conventional two-way radios all have a function called squelch. This control allows one to mute the speaker on the radio until such time as a received signal is present. When the radio detects the presence of an incoming RF signal of a certain minimum level (as set by the squelch control) the squelch circuit in the radio unmutes the audio circuit and the incoming received signal is heard. This allows the radio to remain silent until such time as signals are being received. On most handhelds the squelch level is programmed and is of no concern.

A more advanced squelch system to allow multiple users on the same frequency, known as CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System), introduces a continuous sub-audible tone into the transmission from a radio.
In the receiver on the other end, the signal is received and the squelch opens up as before, checks for this sub-audible tone and only if this specific tone is present will the speaker unmute and the audio be heard.  A suite of standard tones is defined to make individual frequencies more usable:

·         The presence of tones is transparent and they cannot be heard. 

·         The user does not have to concern himself with the frequency or tone, only the properly installed channel needs to be selected.

As a result, multiple user groups can now share a common frequency simultaneously, utilising the same frequency but with a different tone.  Only users within each group tuned to a specific channel can hear that group’s transmissions.

The VHF Radios, handheld or mobile, need to be programmed specifically with the correct channel designation, frequency, and tone.  Radio dealers can assist or contact our Club Radio Officer for guidance.

If a channel without tone is selected, any user tuned to that frequency can listen in.  However, when a channel with a tone is selected only those users on a channel with the correct tone can follow the conversation.
The outing leader will designate an ORRA channel as appropriate.

What is “proper radio procedure”?

Voice procedure is a term used to describe the correct procedure and process of talking on a radio. Good voice procedure ensures efficient use of the frequency in getting your message across and also ensures that the communication takes place in an orderly, respectful, and professional way. Good voice procedures also allow others to know who is on the channel.

Proper voice procedure for our events includes all of the following points:

Rule # 1

Listen before you transmit

Rule # 2

Legally you are obliged to use call signs.
For a small number of “stations” the name of the operator can be used as call sign.
TIP: Always call the station you want to talk to:
e.g. “Pete, this is Paul, over”,
Get a reply, e.g.  “Paul this is Pete, over”
Then start sending your message, ending with “over”.

Rule # 3

Remember: no one else on the same channel can transmit while you are holding your “push to talk” button down

Rule # 4

Always keep a listening watch; nothing can be more frustrating to a transmitting station than not being able to obtain an answer from you when they know you are there.
If you plan not to respond, announce this fact.

Rule # 5

Do not speak directly into the microphone (mic).
Speak across it.
Don’t shout – talk normally.
Your volume should be lower than normal.
(Clipping or saturation can occur, making it very difficult to understand your message).

Rule # 6

Do not continuously clog the airwaves with unnecessary chatter that is meaningless to most who are listening in

Fred Bartens, Secretary
Acknowledgement: excerpts from www.orra.co.za were used in this article